Mobiles are advised to check here for the latest road construction information.
APRS Map: Check here for a composite real-time map of APRS-capable mobiles N5NA, WB0TEV, AD4EB, W5KV, K5DX@NM5G, W5ETJ, NS5J, K5LOL.
Right click on the numbers below to download a CSV file for importing into a spreadsheet.
To access maps showing counties available by mode and day use the Saturday, Sunday, Weekend links.
For individual route maps use the following links.
Note 1: Unfortunately W0BH and W1JCW have had to cancel due to illness and W3DYA is unable to make his Sunday run.
Note 2: On the good news we've received notification that K5LOL/m will be on the road Sunday.
The following links contain additional information supplied by some mobiles
Here are the fixed stations arranged by mode.
MIX: |
AC5AA(Travis) |
K0YY(Angelina) |
K5GLT(Mitchell) |
K5K(Angelina) |
MIX: |
K5K(Polk) |
K5K(Trinity) |
K5LRK(Denton) |
K5OT(Blanco) |
MIX: |
K5SCT(Williamson) |
K5VHC(Collin) |
K5WW(Kinney) |
K5XO(Tarrant) |
MIX: |
K5YE(Denton) |
K5ZOL(Dallas) |
K8LS(Travis) |
K9ING(Bexar) |
MIX: |
KC3LEE(Harris) |
KF5NAJ(Nueces) |
KI5LR(Trinity) |
KN5S(Uvalde) |
MIX: |
N5B(Titus) |
N5OFW(Tarrant) |
N5XZ(FortBend) |
NU5DE(Bastrop) |
MIX: |
W5CT@K5NA(Travis) |
W5ESE(Hays) |
W5FIX(SanJacinto) |
W5KHZ(Wise) |
MIX: |
W5PGR(Harris) |
W5VCF(Lampasas) |
W5VX(Hidalgo) |
WA2VYA(Bastrop) |
MIX: |
WD5DDH(Ellis) |
WO5R(Mills) |
CW: |
AC4CA(Gillespie) |
AE5GT(Hays) |
AJ4F(Galveston) |
K0NM(Wharton) |
CW: |
K5IX(Kinney) |
K5KV(Mills) |
K5LH(McLennan) |
K5SBR(Calhoun) |
CW: |
K5SS(Collin) |
K5TIA(Harris) |
K5TU(Colorado) |
KF5DDV(Jackson) |
CW: |
KG5OWB(Kendall) |
N5AW(Burnet) |
NA5YO(Jackson) |
NT5TT(Collin) |
CW: |
W0VX(Dallas) |
W5QLF(Bexar) |
W5UAA(Gregg) |
W5YDM(Ellis) |
CW: |
WA5LXS(Denton) |
WB5BKL(Burnet) |
WG5H(Duval) |
SSB: |
AD5WB(Galveston) |
AE5AS(Bexar) |
AF5UX(Gillespie) |
K5AVY(Burnet) |
SSB: |
K5FRM(Randall) |
K5IZO(SanAugustine) |
K5JPP(Harris) |
K5MRA(Collin) |
SSB: |
K5WTH(Dallas) |
KB6OJE(Dallas) |
KC5AV(Harrison) |
KC5RET(Tyler) |
SSB: |
KD5DAN(Harris) |
KE5XV(Austin) |
KF5KWO(Bexar) |
KI4LP(Knox) |
SSB: |
KI5ETN(Williamson) |
KI5GCF(Hays) |
KJ5MA(Parker) |
KM5JV(Collin) |
SSB: |
KW5KW(Castro) |
N5DD(Coryell) |
N5DTT(Fayette) |
N5IT(McLennan) |
SSB: |
N5YBG(Bexar) |
NE5B(Fayette) |
NW5Q(Collin) |
W5BHR(Comal) |
SSB: |
W5KY(Harris) |
W5LET(Gregg) |
WA5JMZ(Walker) |
WB8LBZ(ElPaso) |
Last Updated: 14-Sep-2019 23:05