2009 Texas QSO Party - Route Plans |
Here are links to the individual route plans for the 2009 Texas QSO Party
received as of September 25.
1. Station has been included on the coverage map and list. Route information will be posted if time permits. 2. Cancelled - change has been reflected on the coverage map and list. View a Map of Announced County Coverage for 2009 Texas Mobile Ops -- A daily dose of Miles and Miles of Texas by Asleep At The Wheel is guaranteed to get you revved up for the the party. Google it and give a listen, or better yet if you've got it put it in the CD player. For history buffs here's some county coverage information from 2008. View a List of Active and Inactive Counties in 2008 (pdf format) View a List of Number of QSOs Per County in 2008 Note:The addition of county boundaries slows down the presentation of these maps, especially those involving a large number of counties and/or counties with a lot of coast line and most noticeably when changing zoom levels. If you receive a message that a script is busy, just click continue. Not recommended for older machines and/or dial-up connections. In that case please use the following pages that simply list the counties and/or the pdf file which you can print for easy reference. Last Updated: 25-September-2009 |