2011 Texas QSO Party - Operating Plans

Here are links to the individual mobile routes and a list of fixed station operating plans for the 2011 Texas QSO Party received as of September 23. Mobiles as well as fixed stations are encouraged to send NO5W a note describing your plans including county(s) you'll be operating from, modes you'll be using, and days of operation. You can send that information directly to the NO5W email address listed on QRZ or via the link on the Texas QSO Party web page.  Please send info as soon as your plans are finalized.

As of September 19 operations have been announced for all 254 counties!.

Check out the Announced County Coverage on this Map

Here is a map showing counties that have no fixed station, only mobiles

View a List of Counties and Which Stations will be Active In Each  in 2011 (pdf format)
View a List of Counties and Which Stations will be Active In Each  in 2011 (Excel format)

Mobiles: You can check out road conditions at TXDOT
N5NA[1] N5DO[2] NO5W[1] WD5IYT[1] W5ETJ[3] N3BB[6] KK5W[3]
WB0TEV[2] K5END[1] N5TM[1] W3DYA[1] K5MRA[3] KF5JAW[3] KK5LO[3]
W0BH[2] W5LCC[13] KU5B[1] KD5HCV[11] N4CD[6] KF5BHG[11] N5AUS[3]

Fixed Stations
W5ESE[1-QRP] K5AEM[5] WC5D[1] K5LH[1] W4WJ[1] K5TRI[4] W5SL[1]
W0VX[2] AC4CA[1] NU5DE[3] K5IID[2] NOIW[2] K5AVY[3] KD5LNO
K5OAI[1-QRP] K5PBA KE5ZGZ[7] WC5C[2] KJ5T[3-QRP] K5CX[3] K5RAV[9]
NT5O[1] K5WW[2] K5DNB[3] N5DTT[8] N1CC[2] AD5WB[3] NV5C[3]
W5RTA[5] N5NXS[3] KD5EIJ[3] KZ5E[3] K5OT[2] KD5MMM[2] KE5RON[3]
WA5M[10] K6RV[2] K5YQF[1] W5JNP[3] W5PF[2] WB8LBZ[3] W5VX[2]
N5SSH NA5DV[3] K5AWC[3] W5MF[2] WB5BKL[1-QRP] W5RQ[2] KD6CUB[3]
WB5LJO[3] WB5EMR[11] KM5DN K5CC[3] W6OI[12] W5CT[14] K5IZO[2]
W5ZL[9] KF5ETG[3] K5WPH[3] KF5JUG[3] K5BWD/P[2] W5SAT[3] KE5VDC[3]

1. Sat/Sun, CWO, HF 2. Sat/Sun, CW/PH, HF 3. Sat/Sun, PHO, HF 4. Sat/Sun, PH/RY, HF/6m
5. Sat/Sun, CW/PH, HF/6m 6. Sun, CWO, HF 7. Sat/Sun, PHO, 6m/2m 8. Sun, PHO, HF
9. Sun, CW/PH, HF 10.Sat/Sun, PH/RY, HF 11.Sat, PHO, HF 12.Sat/Sun, PHO, 10m
13.Sat, CW/PH, HF 14. Sat/Sun, CW/PH, HF/VHf/UHF

Note:The addition of county boundaries slows down the presentation of these maps, especially those involving a large number of counties and/or counties with a lot of coast line and most noticeably when changing zoom levels. If you receive a message that a script is busy, just click continue. Not recommended for older machines and/or dial-up connections. In that case please use the following pages that simply list the counties and/or the above pdf file which you can print for easy reference.

Last Updated: 23-September-2011