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County Overlays

Each of the links below provides access to a Google map containing overlays of the counties in the state. Use of these overlays provides one of three possible methods, for obtaining the lat/lon of a county line crossing point -- click on the desired point to see the lat/lon coordinates which you can paste into a text file. However, it is not the most efficient method --for that please see the method summarized on the Crossings Locator page and described in detail in this document. With the development of the Crossings Locator the role of the County Overlays has been reduced significantly but they are still useful from time to time in visually reviewing where roads and county lines cross. 

Alabama Arizona Arkansas British Columbia California
Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia
Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa
Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland-DC
Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri
Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey
New Mexico New York N. Carolina N. Dakota Ohio
Oklahoma Ontario Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island
S. Carolina S. Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah
Vermont Virginia Washington W. Virginia Wisconsin
Wyoming -- -- -- --

Copyright: C.W. Sanders, NO5W
Last Updated: 27-April-2020