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A Pileup Practice Application for Pile Up Net

In an actual competition PileUpNetPlayer is the application used by the competitors to log the call signs they copy as a pile-up audio file is played on their machines under the control of the Host. Each entered call is sent to the Host for scoring. Using this Pileup Practice Application the user selects a competition from the past, logs the calls heard either on computer or paper, and at the end of the test session is presented a score and an analysis of the good and bad calls and, where available, is given a comparison of his results to the winning and average scores of the original competition. A history is kept of the results of each test session and can be reviewed as desired by the user.  Most of the competitions included in the practice data are those that have been held over the last 15-20 years at the KCDXC Hospitality Suite at Dayton. Although use of the application is straightforward a small set of user notes is also included in the download and serves to illustrate some of the features unique to the practice application.

This version (2.0.0) is a redesign of version 1.8.2 and adds the KCDXC Dayton 2018 Pile Up. Although it retains and adds to the functional features of 1.8.2 the user interface and the internal structure of the program and the directory structure of the data have been redesigned. For that reason it is suggested that this version be installed in a new directory PileupPractice_200 which is the default.

Begin the Download - To begin the download of the latest version (2.0.0) right click on this link PileUpPractice Install Package and elect to save the file to a directory of your choosing. The download package is approximately 150MB. 

Upzip the Package - Once the download is complete unzip the package. This will result in two files: the set of user notes and a setup exe file. 

Install the software - Run the setup exe file to install the software.

Updates - As they become available data files from other competitions will be added and from time to time changes to the practice mode may occur so check back for updates which will be issued as patches to the original application. The following updates are currently available for version 2.0.0.

Patch 200-01:  Made available October 15, 2018. Included in this patch:

  • Fixed a problem where in double-clicking on a score board item that was logged by computer will cause an error;
  • Fixed a problem where in Review menu items would indicate available review items when there were none
  • Added a Practice History item to the Review menu to allow the user to see the number of attempts, scores, and time since most recent attempt for each of the pileups
        Right click on Patch_200-01 and elect to save the file to download the patch.

Patch 200-02:  Made available October 20, 2018. Included in this patch:

  • Fixed a problem where in the sorting method for the Practice History was not being retained across opening/closing the Practice History;
  • Fixed a problem where in the sorting method for the Scores History was not being retained across opening/closing the Scores History;
  • Fixed the Define New Pileup menu item
  • Fixed a problem wherein the Pileup Import process would fail if there were no logs
  • Added a feature allowing the user to set the introd skip time for a pileup created under the Define New Pileup and Pileup Import processes
  • Added a "Do not ask again" option to the Options Dialog to avoid having to view it each time a pileup is started 
  • Modified the Clear Pileup Logs menu to be consistent with the other menu items wherein a pileup is selected
        Right click on Patch_200-02 and elect to save the file to download the patch.

Patch 200-03:  Made available November 30, 2018. Included in this patch:

  • Fixed a problem where in the average shown on the Morse Race was incorrect during the first few seconds;
  • Fixed a problem where in the pileup in use was incorrectly indicated as NONE when starting a pileup from the Practice History form
  • Added the capability to have the program choose the most infrequently used pileup for the next run
        Right click on Patch_200-03 and elect to save the file to download the patch.

Questions related to the practice mode can be addressed to NO5W at the address given in his QRZ entry

Good luck in the pileups, whether real or otherwise!


Copyright: C.W. Sanders, NO5W
Last Updated: 22-May-2023