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The following documents are included with the program and may be accessed from the program's Help menu or downloaded separately from the Downloads page as a means of performing a preliminary evaluation of the program and for obtaining far more details than can be presented on this website.  If you do not already have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which you will need in order to view these files, you can down load it from here

adobe acrobat reader

What You Need - a document describing the hardware and software required to use the program under various scenarios: mobile, fixed, phone only, mixed mode, with and without a GPS, etc. This document should be reviewed prior to downloading the software since it will provide a good indication of preliminary work that might be required in order to use the software to its fullest capability for the planned scenario.

Exploring CQ/X- a document providing a set of about a dozen activities for experimenting with the program as a means of learning its capabilities. Activities include the following:
  • Exploring the Help Menu
  • Reviewing the User Interface
  • Defining a Set of Messages
  • Assigning Function Keys
  • Connecting and Using a Keyer
  • Making a QSO
  • Planning a Route for Non-GPS Operations
  • Building a Route for use with a GPS
  • Connecting and Using a GPS
  • Connecting and Using a Radio
  • Setting Up User-Supplied Help
  • Simulating a trip using GPS Playback
  • Using the Startup Wizard

Configuration Decisions - a brief document discussing the why and how of each of the main configuration decisions the user will need to make in setting up CQ/X for mobile operation in a QSO party. 

QuickRefWithGPS - a brief "quick-start" document providing an annotated listing of the steps to perform before, during, and after the contest assuming that a GPS will be used.

QuickRefWithoutGPS - a brief "quick-start" document providing an annotated listing of the steps to perform before, during, and after the contest assuming that a GPS will not be used.

GPs And Route Info Options - a document describing the options available for using a GPS in CQ/X including the optional route information that the user can provide.

Setup and User Notes for Mobile Operators- a short document providing a description of the steps involved in setting up for a mobile operation including suggested key assignments and message definitions, and development and use of waypoints and crossings files.

The following provide an overview of how to use CQ/X as a mobile operator in the ARRL International Grid Chase. Documents containing additional details may be accessed from the Help menu of CQ/X

TroubleNotes - a short list of trouble-shooting notes for those times when the program appears to be operating incorrectly or refuses to perform some function in the anticipated manner.
CQXClient - a compilation of the program's Help file into a user manual format.

Posting a Route on Google Maps - a description of the steps required to develop and post a route using the Google Maps engine.

Using Google Maps to Define a Route/Path - a description of the steps required to develop a turn-by-turn route using Google Maps for inclusion in a KML overlay for publishing on the web.

Developing a Crossing File Using Google Maps - a description of the steps required to develop crossing files using the Google Maps engine.

Creating a Logs on a Map Web Page - a description of the steps required to publish your GPS log on a Google Map using the Google Maps API.

Showing County Activity Using Google Maps - a description of the steps required to show county activity on a Google Map.

Sample Presentation on TQP & CQ/X- sample slides for a presentation on the Texas QSO Party and CQ/X. This sample was given to the Texas DX Society in August, 2009 and is similar to presentations given to Brazos Valley ARC (BVARC), Northwest ARS (NARS), and Highland Lakes ARC (HLARC) during 2009.

Operating Concurrent QSO Parties- a brief document describing how to use CQ/X to operate multiple QSO parties scheduled on the same weekend.  This document is also available from the Help menu.

Several presentations are contained in the download of the base CQ/X package and may be accessed from the Help menu. Here is a presentation given at the County Hunter Forum at the 2013 Dayton Hamvention. The presentation is a quick tour/demo of some of the features of CQ/X.

2013 Dayton Hamvention - County Hunter Forum 

Copyright: C.W. Sanders, NO5W
Last Updated: 27-April-2020